Monday, May 10, 2004

Google's Brin Talks on Gmail Future - how long before GMail leaves beta?

Sergey Brin says POP3 capability is coming to GMail: Google's Brin Talks on Gmail Future: "No, I think that's an important question. And in fact, as we're working on providing forwarding [and] POP3, that's an important consideration there as well. I don't have a great answer; we're still brainstorming. "

Also Brin suggests that the beta period will be "3 to 6 months":
How long do you think this beta feedback process is going to be?

I think it'll take three to six months or so. We're getting a lot of good feedback; we've already made a number of changes. Probably the big ones are feature requests that we need to deal with, and there are some significant ones there. I don't know how many of those we'll be able to get in prior to making it more broadly available.
TD 9:52 AM


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