Friday, August 13, 2004

239,329 spam emails in 3 months fills up 1 GB of Gmail space

Wondering how many spam emails it took to clog up the 1 GB of space over three months? In my case it was 239,329 spam emails. Now one of my next questions is how do I easily get rid of those nearly 240,000 spam emails. It looks to me -- though there must be an easier way -- that I have to go through those spam emails, 50 at a time, and use the select all option and then click the "DELETE FOREVER" button. Google please tell me you have some sort of mass delete of the spam bin ... PLEASE ... there is no way that any sane human being would go through this much garbage, 50 at a time. Somebody in the comments please show me the easy way? I'm going to start searching around for how to dump all this so I'm back to an empty spam bin again.
TD 6:09 PM


Hey good going :P

Is that 239,329 distinct messages or 239,329 conversations?

I'm up to about 41% after importing a load of mailing list messages from over the last few years - nice to be able to search them easily in gmail. Anyway I'm finding the same problem as well - being able to manipulate lots of messages easily in one go doesn't seem possible in GMail :(

In fact I just left feedback with GMail about it a few hours ago, hope it gets read and considered - it's all well and good offerning enough room for 100,000s of emails, but if you can't perform actions on a large number of messages in one go it makes the experience tedious to say the least.

If you find any way to delete lots of messages in one go let me know!
See the screenshot. Most of those are single emails, but you might be right about some of them being conversations, as Gmail sometimes (but not all the time reliably I've found) groups the same messages together when you don't reply to them.

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