Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Gmail invite flood continues

Now my wife and I have 10 Gmail invites to give out. I'm surprised that more haven't entered the contest which ends tonight C'mon, you know you want to at least check out what Gmail is like! Let's see what your sense of humor is like.
TD 11:03 AM | 0 comments |

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

More Gmail invites

Another batch of Gmail invites appear to have been redistributed to beta testers. We got a few more and are running a contest to get them out. Sure you can make me laugh!
TD 6:29 PM | 0 comments |

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

New Blogger nav bar at top of page

Well, I just checked and as of this writing it hasn't migrated to this blog yet (after posting it showed up), but it is showing up on some blogs. farkleberries: The New Bloggger NavBar. I'd rather see that then the Google ad that is there now.
TD 12:56 PM | 0 comments |

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Gmail: Desirability of Scarcity

Rob Adams is getting into the marketing aspect of Gmail being in scarce supply.
roBlog dot org: Gmail and the Desirability of Scarcity: "Since April, Google has given current users of the service the ability to invite a limited number (2 or 3) of their friends into the fold. This has had the effect of introducing an artificial scarcity of Gmail accounts. I'm guessing that it's also had the effect of making them much more desirable than they otherwise would have been."
I'm hoping that Google comes up with some sort of mass delete tools before they leave beta or people are going to be really annoyed when they reach their 1 GB quota with spam. I've maxed out my Gmail account and have since started diverting all that mail to my wife's account. She isn't too happy about it. I'm keeping my eyes peeled for a solution to this issue to clean out that spam bin in one fell swoop.
TD 7:21 PM | 2 comments |

GMail adds new feature including attachments

I agree this is a cool feature.
GMail Adds Feature - Aimless Words - GMail Adds Feature: "Until today, whenever I would read a MIME multipart text message such as one generated by the Python-Announce list, GMail would display the main body and the provide links to view or download the attached MIME pieces. Now, GMail is displaying the entire message with all text attachments inline. Therefore, I can read the entire message without opening a bunch of attachments! "
TD 10:16 AM | 0 comments |

Gmail canned response when you "submit feedback"

It's free, so I guess you can't really expect any kind of personal response ....
Thank you for your message. We regret that the volume of incoming inquiries we have received has prompted this general auto-reply. We hope that this message will provide the information you need. Although we cannot respond to every inquiry, we read each individual message, and thank you for taking the time to send us your comments and suggestions.
Your feedback is important to us, and all feature requests and suggestions for improvement are forwarded to the appropriate teams.

You are receiving this message because you classified your request as 'Spam' on the Gmail Help Form. If your request was misclassified, we ask that you resubmit your question or report using the topic that most closely relates to your inquiry.

Please find answers and links to the most common issues for these categories at the end of this message.

If the information we have provided does not address your problem, we will respond to your message and provide further assistance. Thank you for your patience and understanding during our limited test of Gmail.


The Gmail Team
TD 7:09 AM | 0 comments |

Friday, August 13, 2004

239,329 spam emails in 3 months fills up 1 GB of Gmail space

Wondering how many spam emails it took to clog up the 1 GB of space over three months? In my case it was 239,329 spam emails. Now one of my next questions is how do I easily get rid of those nearly 240,000 spam emails. It looks to me -- though there must be an easier way -- that I have to go through those spam emails, 50 at a time, and use the select all option and then click the "DELETE FOREVER" button. Google please tell me you have some sort of mass delete of the spam bin ... PLEASE ... there is no way that any sane human being would go through this much garbage, 50 at a time. Somebody in the comments please show me the easy way? I'm going to start searching around for how to dump all this so I'm back to an empty spam bin again.
TD 6:09 PM | 2 comments |

Out of Gmail space in 3 months from normal usage!

It's over! I'm out of Gmail space from normal usage from a couple of our domains. Google says that it should take an average user 5 years, but it took me three months: (May 12 - Aug 13) The original thread where I talked about this is here
TD 6:06 PM | 0 comments |

Gmail: Help Center - How to search spam and trash

Gmail: Help Center: "Gmail's 'Search Mail' feature does not search messages located in 'Spam' or 'Trash' by default. To include messages located in 'Spam' or 'Trash' in your search results, please follow these steps:
Log in to your Gmail account.
Click 'Show search options' at the top of any Gmail page.
Select 'All & Spam & Trash' from the 'Search:' drop-down menu.
Enter all other criteria for your search in the appropriate fields.
Click 'Search Mail.' "
TD 11:19 AM | 0 comments |

Monday, August 09, 2004

Mark Lyon's list of Gmail apps

Mark Lyon's list of Gmail apps contains ways to tweak Gmail like checking from a pop3 mailbox, various conversion utilities, notify you of new Gmail, launch a new Gmail with a bookmark, use Gmail as a backup service and more!
TD 7:53 AM | 0 comments |

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Warning: Gmail password hurlers

Password hurlers are alive and well in the Gmail space too. Don't use common word passwords. The Security Mentor: "Near as I can tell from the early reports, all that's going on is that someone wrote and released a program that keeps trying to log in to GMail accounts using every possible password it can think of."
TD 9:34 AM | 0 comments |

Monday, August 02, 2004

Mac user doesn't like Gmail

phives dot com: gmail: "after using it for a few days i've got to say that i am disappointed with gmail. i know that google likes to be very simplistic, which is good in terms of use and speed. i also know that gmail is currently in beta, but with other email services like yahoo and hotmail out there i was expecting an interface at least up to par. it is fairly ugly. also, the gmail address book is pretty much useless. you can't store multiple email addresses for contacts and can not add someone to an email via the address book. i use a powerbook, and gmail runs very slow sometimes, i am not sure if people using winblows are experiencing the same slowness or not. "
TD 2:21 PM | 0 comments |